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V. Questions about my courses

How many levels do you offer?
We offer 5 levels ranging from A1.1 (Great Beginner) to level C1. They follow the scale of levels defined by the CEFR and also correspond to the levels assessed in the DELF/DALF/TCF certifications.
How many students are there in my class?
There are on average 15 students in a general course and about twenty in a workshop depending on the level.
Does the school use a reference manual to obtain in advance?
ISMAC teachers build their courses from documents from different sources and therefore provide all the necessary material to students. No additional costs will be requested for the material.
How are your courses and student progress organized?
A quarterly French exam takes place every 4 months (mid-April, mid-August and mid-December, please consult the annual calendar for the exact dates in the “French language course” section). A move to the next level can be made after passing the exam, a student who cannot meet the evaluation criteria can continue to study at the same level and try again for the next exam. Exam results are processed by the school’s pedagogical and administrative managers. Progression to the next level will depend on the marks obtained and also on your attendance, personal work and your participation in daily classes. To know: For level A1.1, an exam will be organized 2 months after the start of your course and you will be able, after passing the exam, to join class A1.2.
On which campus do they take place?
We have 3 campuses in Paris, you will find them on the main page of our website.
Who is my teacher and when do I have class?
Course schedules are communicated to students when they register. On these schedules appear the time slots as well as the names of the teachers. However, these schedules as well as the teachers in charge of the courses are likely to be modified for internal or external reasons at the school. Students will always be informed in advance by email by the school reception. All our teachers are French-speaking, qualified and experienced.
I want to change level before the quarterly exam, change time slot, what can I do?
The school is constantly listening to you and wants to support you as well as possible throughout your studies. Contact us with any such questions and we will be happy to explain the procedures to follow.
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