The presidential election

Like every 5 years, the media are in turmoil around the French presidential elections of 2022. It is therefore high time to recall the rules and conditions of this democratic system.
A two-round process, presidential elections are a precise and complex process. They will take place on Sunday April 10 and will end in the second round on Sunday April 24. Like all elections, they will take place on Sunday in order to allow as many citizens as possible to participate.

Conditions to be able to vote

In France, to be able to vote you must meet 3 conditions. The first two are possession of French nationality and reaching majority (18 years) registration on the electoral roll. To make this registration, you must go to your town hall, fill out administrative documents. If you live abroad, however, you can also go to the consulate. This registration can be done all year round but to be able to participate in this year’s presidential elections, you will have to start the process before March. At the end of this procedure you could receive your electoral card up to 3 days before the elections. Europeans from member countries of the European Union and residing in France can vote in France but only for European and municipal elections. To ensure every chance for citizens to vote, a proxy voting system has been put in place. When a person uses it, he must choose someone he trusts. After making this decision, the person will have to fill out a form (available online and in public service spaces such as the gendarmerie). This option guarantees the right to vote for all.

How does a vote take place?

To go to vote, you must bring your identity card and your electoral card. The ballots will be available directly at the polling places. The polling station assigned to each holder of an electoral card is entered on the latter. These polling stations can be located in schools, for example. Polling stations are numerous and allow voters living in more isolated regions not to have to travel too far to vote. After taking all the ballots and an envelope, a voter goes to the voting booth to slip the chosen ballot or something else (this ballot will then be considered a blank vote). A trash can is placed in the voting booth allowing voters to dispose of unused ballots. At the exit of the polling booth, a voter goes to the ballot box and votes after his identity has been verified and he has signed the electoral list. Two people are present in front of the polls to monitor that the procedure is well respected. One of them will confirm the smooth running of the procedure and the vote by declaring “voted” after the voter has cast the vote. This election, although complicated by its administrative procedures and modeled to best guarantee access to the vote for all.

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